Using observer exercises in a Coaching Dojo

Ok, the observer pattern is not ment here in the blog post ;)
Ok, the observer pattern is not ment here in the blog post ;)

“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” (Wayne Dyer)


I created some exercises for the obervers to train and improve observing skills. Good observations skills are helpful to give good feedback, instead of just judging people.

You can also give feedback in a more "neutral" way, if you state:

  1. your observation
  2. how does this impress you
  3. your interpretation
  4. tips, questions, ...

How to use the observer exercises in the Coaching Dojo?


We made them optional for the observers. It is very hard for the participants to follow the coaching and focus on an observer exercises, which is usually written down. You will usually miss a lot of stuff 


Anyway, in my opinion it is still 

Currently, I started with 8 different exercise topics. For now, you can only find the detailed exercises in german in another blog post

If someone wants to translate & share them, just contact me :) It is hard for a non-native english speaker to find the exact meaning in english.


These are the topics (in german!):

  • Blickkontakt & Mimik
  • Körperhaltung & Gestik
  • Stimme
  • Pausen
  • Redeanteil
  • Unterbrechen (Nicht ausreden lassen)
  • Coaching-Intervention
  • Ziel und Zielerreichung

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Nils Bernert, Agile Coach & LeanStartup enthusiast,
Nils Bernert, Agile Coach & LeanStartup enthusiast,

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